Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2007

"Grindhouse 2"- Gerüchteküche brodelt

"Even with the box office flop of Dimension Films' Grindhouse, star Danny Trejo has been talking very highly about the possibilities of a sequel starring his character featured in one of the faux trailers, "Machete", which would be directed by Robert Rodriguez. Since then there hasn't been a peep, until now. This afternoon Bloody-Disgusting was looming on set of The Black Waters of Echo's Pond, where the Babysitter twins (Electra & Elise Avellan) were on hand and had something quite interesting to say. Read on for this monster scoop.

One of my personal favorite parts of GRINDHOUSE where the super sexy Babysitter Twins, who were played by Robert Rodriguez's nieces Electra & Elise Avellan. Today we chatted with the lovely ladies who had some interesting news that will blow your socks off. We asked the girls about MACHETE to which Elise and Electra talked over each other, "Robert [Rodriguez] said he’d do it [Machete] and asked for us to be in it," they explain, "Robert wants to do GRINDHOUSE 2 with [the two films being] "Machete" and "The Babysitter Twins." The news sounds exciting, but now Rodriguez is busy with BARBARELLA and such, the twins don't know how soon we'll hear something official.

Although nothing is confirmed as to what will happen with GRINDHOUSE 2, the girls still know what their story would be about, assuming it's one of the next two films, "Robert mentioned something about the end of the world and Hollywood action films, where we’d be trained in Mexico to come back here and fight," Electra states. Elise then elaborates, "Hollywood starts fucking with us so we start killing… we [would] kill Harvey Weinstein in the movie, although that’s just talk now right," she clarifies.

In Gabriel Bologna's The Black Waters of Echo's Pond, written by B-D reporter Sean Clark, nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil. The Black Waters of Echo’s Pond shows those who look into it what they want to see… but what you want to see isn’t always the truth."



Trotzdem "Grindhouse" nicht den gewünschten Erfolg an den Kinokassen brachte, brodelt die Gerüchteküche. Schuld daran sind die Babysitter Twins Electra und Elise Avellan (Death Proof/ Planet Terror), die behaupten, Robert Rodriguez habe sich in die Idee verguckt, einen weiteren Grindhouse- Teil mit den Filmen "Machete" (yeah Danny Trejo) und "The Babysitter Twins" zu produzieren. Wie dem auch sei, bis jetzt handelt es sich nur um Klatsch und Tratsch. Eine offizielle Ankündigung liegt bis dato nicht vor, aber ich muss gestehen, besonders letzterer Film reizt mich sehr (siehe Fotos).

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